Email Verification
Reduce Bounce Rates
Verify your email lists to reduce bounce rates, improve your sender reputation and most importantly increase email delivery rates.
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Increased Email Delivery
Ensure you have the highest quality data sets by verifying email addresses. This will increase email delivery rates by reducing bounce rates to invalid emails. Ensure your marketing campaigns and important communications are received by their intended recipients.
Protect Email Reputation
Protect your email reputation by reducing the number of invalid or inactive email addresses on your mailing list. By sending emails only to verified addresses, the risk of triggering spam filters and damaging sender reputation is drastically reduced, leading to increased trust among recipients.
Batch Email Cleansing
Validate large numbers of email addresses at once to identify and remove emails that may harm your sender reputation. This process helps to improve email deliverability and open rates, while also reducing the risk of emails being marked as spam or bouncing back.
Validation Process
How to check whether an email is valid?
It is essential to check the validity of email addresses before sending mass email campaigns. Research shows that across most industries, the average bounce rate for non-validated emails exceeds 15%. Most SMTP servers, such as AWS and, do not tolerate high bounce rates.
Checking for syntax errors
Our system offers more than just checking for unwarrented symbols such as emojis, or symbols in the wrong place. Our email verification system ensure the mailbox you're trying to reach is genuine and can receive mail.
Business / Consumer Emails
Ensure you're GDPR protected! Our system offers the ability to filter out any email providers you may suspect to be personal emails, such as gmail, hotmail or outlook.
WhaWoo features screenshot showing the marketing system
Integrated Validation
Real-time email validation
Highly accurate email cleaning integration
Multi-level validation - format, domain information and mail server responses
Verify emails before campaigns with speed
Maximize Delivery
Optimize campaign performances
Lower bounce rates & improve reputation
Increase conversion rates with higher email engagement
Save time and money with cleaner email lists
Verify Your Way
Tailor validation to your needs
Batch verify specific lists from .csv or .json files
Bulk verify entire contact lists or contact groups
Verify questionable singular email addresses from your contacts
Integrated Validation
Real-time email validation
Multi-level validation processes are employed by our custom email validation software, this includes checking the format of the email address, verifying domain information, and analyzing mail server responses to confirm that the email address is valid. By verifying emails before campaigns with speed, we help you to avoid sending emails to invalid email addresses and protects your sender reputation. Overall, email validation is a highly effective and efficient email validation solution that helps to improve your email deliverability and increase your campaign's success rate.
Reduce Bounce Rates
Improve Sender Reputation
Reduce Bounce Rates
Reduce Bounce Rates
Maximize Delivery
Optimize campaign performances
Optimize your campaign performance by reducing bounce rates and improving your sender reputation. By ensuring that your emails reach your subscribers' inboxes, Whawoo helps to increase your conversion rates and improve your overall email engagement. This tool also enables you to save time and money by providing cleaner email lists, eliminating the need for manual list cleaning and reducing the risk of sending emails to invalid or inactive email addresses. With our email verification, you can take your email marketing to the next level and achieve greater success with your campaigns. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, we can help you to improve your email deliverability and maximize your ROI.
Verify Your Way
Tailor validation to your needs
We offer a versatile email validation tool that allows you to tailor your email validation to meet your specific needs. With this tool, you can batch verify specific email lists from .csv or .json files, or bulk verify entire contact lists or contact groups, ensuring that your email lists are always up-to-date and accurate. Additionally, you can verify questionable singular email addresses from your contacts, providing you with the flexibility to validate individual email addresses as needed. This tool is easy to use and offers a customizable validation process, allowing you to select the level of validation you require for each email address. You can streamline your email validation process and ensure that your emails are always delivered to the right inbox, improving your email deliverability and enhancing your overall email marketing success.
Still Have Questions?
Our FAQ Section
Do you still have unanswered questions? Here are some questions that are frequently asked, which may help you!
What is email verification?
Why is it so important that you verify your email addresses?
How will email verification impact the deliverability of my emails?
How much does is cost to verify my emails with Whawoo?
When should I validate my email list / contact list?
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